Carly Rae Jepsen, "Run Away With Me"

Alaturi de cantareata canadiana ne plimbam prin Tokyo, Paris si New York, in cadrul turneului de promovare al celui mai nou album al sau, EMOTION.
I didn’t even know we were making a music video until about halfway through it. “David always has a camera in his hand and he has a way about him that makes you forget that it’s there. It became a part of our daily adventure on the road to film as we went. Promo tour can be a blur and I can remember watching over his shoulder as he uploaded the footage, recounting memories of the trip that I had almost already forgotten. This project became a way for us to slow down time and preserve the moments from magical places like Paris, New York and Japan, a spus cantareata.
Carly Rae Jepsen se pregateste de lansarea unui nou album, EMOTION, care deja a aparut in Japonia, la jumatatea lunii iunie, iar in restul lumii va aparea pe la finalul lunii august. Primul single pe care canadianca l-a lansat a fost I Really Like You, peisa care a urcat pana pe locul 39 in Hot 100 si pe pozitia atreia in clasamentul single-urilor din Marea Britanie.
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