PIESĂ NOUĂ. Justin Bieber lansează "Company"
Videoclipul “Company” ne prezinta cadre filmate in timpul unor concerte, momente din turneu, de la repetetii, din timpul inregistrarilor si il vedem pe Justin Bieber alaturi de prieteni si in timp ce se plimba prin lume.
In clip apar si unele figuri cunoscute, precum cele ale lui Floyd Mayweather sau managerul Scooter Braun, care l-a facut pe Bieber cunoscut.
“Personally, I love this video because it’s an honest look at my journey. The process of putting together this album and this tour—surrounded by people I love to be with—has been really special. I’m proud of it, it’s been a lot of fun and lot of hard work, and I think that really shows in video. I hope my fans like it as I much as I do, because it’s really all for you.”, spune Jusin Bieber referitor la noul sau material video.
Piesa “Company” o gasesti inclusa pe albumul “Purpose”, cel cu care Justin Bieber si-a facut revenirea pe scena muzicala, dupa o pauza destul de consistenta.
Autor: Andrei FER | Data: 09.06.2016 | Imagini: Billboard